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Siman 51 – Pesukay D’zimra

  1. We say “Boruch She’amar” before Pesukay D’zimra and “Yishtabach” after them. (ShA1)
  1. Hold your two front tsitsis when reciting “Boruch She’amar” and kiss them when you finish. (MB1)
  1. In Boruch She’amar say “b’feh ammo” with a seggol. (MB1)
  1. Any “omayn” may be answered at the beginning praises of “Boruch She’amar”. In the 2nd half (from boruch atta…) answer “omayn” to all berochos except for Boruch She’amar and Yishtabach. Don’t interrupt with “omayn” between the final “Boruch atta Hashem” and “melech mehoolal batishbachos”. (MB2)
  1. Don’t answer omayn after your own beracha. If you end a beracha together with someone else don’t answer omayn except for the following 3 berachos:
  1. the end beracha for Hallel
  2. “shomer ammo Yisroel lo’ad”
  3. Yishtabach

If you and someone else simultaneously end two different berachos, then you may answer “omayn”. (MB3)

  1. You may not interrupt during Pesukay D’zimra. But “omayn” isn’t an interruption since it is also a praise. (MB4)
  1. In an emergency that requires your talking, say the paragraph of Boruch Hashem L’olam… then talk. When you resume the Pesukay D’zimra, recite again Boruch Hashem L’olam… and continue from where you left off. (MB7)
  1. Omayn may be said in the middle of a possuk but only at the end of a phrase. Don’t say “boruch hu uvoruch sh’mo” during Pesukay D’zimra. (MB8)
  1. Any beracha of thanksgiving (e.g. Asher Yotzar) is not an interruption. The same goes for Modim D’rabbanon and to read the first possuk of Shema with the tzibbur. Certainly you may answer Kaddish, Kedusha and Borchu – even in the middle of a phrase. (MB8, ShaH12)
  1. No speaking from Boruch She’amar until after Shemona Esray. On a day of Tachanun, no speaking until after Tachanun. (ShA4 – MB9)
  1. If you remember that zman krias shma will pass, you should interrupt the Pesukay D’zimra to recite Krias Shma. The same applies if you forgot to say Birkas haTorah. Interrupt the Pesukay D’zimra even for the customary pesukim after the berachos (MB10)
  1. If you are the only cohen or laivi you may be called up for an aliya and tell your name (don’t ask for a Mi Shebayrach). Finish daavening the chapter that you were in the middle of, as long as it will not delay the tzibur. You can even read along with the koray. (MB10)
  1. Since today no one greets with “Shalom” during daavening, don’t ask or answer about one’s welfare during the aforementioned times. (MB12)
  1. Say “ki (pause) kol elohay hoamim (pause) elilim (pause) vadonuy shomayim (pause) osso”.  (ShA6 – MB14)
  1. You need to concentrate on the meaning while saying “Posayach es yodecho…”. If you didn’t, go back and say it again with the concluding verses to the end. If you have no time, at least say from “posayach” until the end after daavening.  (ShA7 – MB16)
  1. After Ashray, conclude with “va’anachnu nevoraych ya…” (Rama7)
  1. Repeat the possuk “Kol han’shama tehallel ya…” to mark the end of Pesukay D’zimra. (Rama7)
  1. Repeat the possuk “Hashem yimloch l’olam vo’ed” and then say the targum translation of it. (Rama7 – MB17)
  1. You should say “Ki va soos Paro” which is also part of the Shira. The Gr”a would not say it. (MB17)
  1. The first “Mi CHomocha” is pronounced with a chof, whereas the second is pronounced “mi Komocha” with a kof. (MB17)
  1.  “Yid’moo Ka’oven” is pronounced with a kof. (MB17)
  1. Pause between “bamayim” and “adirim” because “adirim” refers to the Egyptians, not to the water. (MB17)
  1. Imagine that you just got rescued from the sea today. If you say the Shira with joy, your sins will be forgiven. (MB17)
  1. The custom is to stand for Boruch She’amar, Vay’vorech Dovid, and Yishtabach. On Shabbos, stand also for “Hashem melech Hashem moloch…” (Rama7 – MB18)
  1. Stand for Vay’vorech Dovid until you say “Atto hu Hashem Elokim”. (MB19)
  1. Give tzedoka while standing when saying “v’atta moshel bakol”. (MB19)
  1. Don’t say Pesukay D’zimra so quickly that you skip or swallow words. Rather, say them calmly and put the words forth from your mouth as if you are counting money. (ShA8 – MB20)
  1. Say Mizmor L’soda with a tune. (ShA9)
  1. Don’t say Mizmor L’soda on Shabbos or Yom Tov, nor during Pesach and erev Pesach, nor on erev Yom Kippur. But you do say it on erev Tisha b’Av and on Tisha b’Av. (Rama9 – MB22)
  1. Even on Yom Tov you should say Mizmor Shir L’yom haShabbos in Pesukay D’zimra. (MB22)