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Siman 139 – The order of Krias HaTorah and its berachos

  1. The baal koray must review the kria 2 or 3 times by himself before krias haTorah. (Rama 1)
  2. B’dieved if no one in shul has prepared the kria, someone who knows the trop should read – being prompted by another person whispering the tune from a chumash. (MB 2)
  3. The best way is for each oleh to have prepared the kria as well. Therefore, it is good to do the learning of sh’nayim mikra v’echad targum on erev Shabbos so you’ll be ready in case they call you on Shabbos for an aliya. (MB 3 – ShaH 2)
  4. It is forbidden to read even one letter by heart – not from the script. (MB 5)
  5. Do not take an aliya without being told to – even if you are the president of the shul. (ShA 3)
  6. When giving an aliya to the baal koray do not call out his name – he is already standing there. (Rama 3 – MB 8)
  7. If a man is known to be called by his father’s name, but his father has become a mumar – when the gabbai calls up the son, he shouldn’t give any titles to his father. He should say the father’s name quickly in a way that people don’t realize. (Rama 3 – MB 9)
  8. If the man (whose father has become a mumar) is not known by his father’s name, he should be called by the name of his father’s father. (Rama 3 – MB 9)
  9. A man who does not know his father’s identity (compare: his father is a gentile) should be called “ben Avraham”. (MB 10)
  10. Our minhag is always to have a baal koray read aloud for the oleh, while the oleh reads along quietly. If the oleh is blind or illiterate, he can have an aliyah and the baal koray will be motzi him using the rule of shomaya k’oneh. This is a kula that should not be used for Parshas Para and Parshas Zachor. (Rama 3 – MB 12,13)
  11. This kula should also not be used if the oleh is able to read.(Siman 141 ShA 2 – BeH “l’’vatalla”)
  12. Each oleh says a beracha before and after his aliya. He should look at the possuk that he begins his aliya with, and then say the beracha. (ShA4)
  13. If you mistakenly said the nusach of the after-beracha first, you should say the first beracha after the kria. If you catch the mistake before saying Hashem at the end of the beracha, go back to “asher bochar bonu…”. (MB15)
  14. There are 3 valid options on the procedure during the beginning beracha:
                        1. Keep the sefer Torah open and look to the (left) side.
                        2. Keep the sefer Torah open and close your eyes.
                        3. Roll the sefer Torah closed and say the beracha.
                        1. All of this is so people will not come to think that the berachos are written in the Torah. (Rama 5 – MB 18,19 – BeH “v’roeh”)
                        2. Some people bend over during the beracha for kavod haTorah. They should be sure to straighten up before the end of the beracha.      (MB 19)
                        3. After your kria, roll the sefer Torah closed and say the after-beracha. There is no need to cover the closed sefer Torah unless there will be a delay between aliyos. (e.g. singing for a chassan, long mi shebayrach) (ShA 5 – MB 21)
                        4. Borchu, the berachos before and after, and the Kaddish after the kria are all d’vorim shebikdusha and therefore need to be said loud enough for at least a minyan to hear and respond to them.            (ShA 6 – MB 23,24)
                        5. If you didn’t hear the oleh say “Borchu…”, don’t answer “Boruch Hashem…” with those (less than 9 people) who heard him. Rather, say omayn after their response. But if 9 people heard the oleh, you may respond “Boruch Hashem…” with everyone else.                    (Rama 6 – MB 27)
                        6. The oleh should repeat “Boruch Hashem…” after the k’hal to include himself in the group. (ShA 7)
                        7. The after-beracha “…asher nossan lanu…” is referring to the Written Torah. “…V’chayay olam (not ha’olam) notta…” is referring to the Oral Torah. (ShA 10 – MB 33)
                        8. During the berachos you must hold on to the poles of the sefer Torah. Hold the Torah during the kria as well. (ShA 11 – MB 35)
                        9. The minhag is to kiss the sefer Torah after the kria. (MB 35)
                        10. When someone finishes his kria, wish him “Chazak!”. (Rama 11)