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Siman 136 – Who gets the Alios on Shabbos?

  1. The following is a list in order of generalpriority that our great achronim have established:
    1. A chassan on the day of his chuppa.
    2. A chassan on the Shabbos before his chuppa.
    3. A boy who becomes bar mitzvah that week.
    4. The husband of a yoleddes on her first Shabbos back in shul.
    5. A chassan on the Shabbos after his wedding.
    6. A person observing a yohrtzeit of a parent on that day.
    7. The father of a boy on the Shabbos before the Bris Mila.      (BeH “b’Shabbos”)
  2. Category “d” above applies also to a miscarriage unless the form cannot be discerned. (ibid)
  3. The following is a list of other people to give alios to based on minhag:
    1. Tokaya on Rosh Hashana unless he is being paid.
    2. Chazzan for Musaf Rosh Hashana unless he is being paid.
    3. Someone who needs to bentch Hagomel.
    4. Someone about to go on a trip staying away until after Shabbos.
    5. Someone who came back from a trip.
    6. Important guest. (BeH “b’Shabbos”)
      1. If the custom is to sell the alios to generate tzedoka, the winning bidder takes precedence over giving to the people in the second list. Some places even override the first list in order to sell the alios. Nevertheless, you should add alios to give those in the first list.    (BeH “b’Shabbos”)
      2. There are places that on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur they sell the alios for generous amounts and override the first list.                       (BeH “b’Shabbos”)
      3. If the gabbai sold an aliyah, he can retract the sale if he made a mistake by not giving the aliyah away to a chiyuv. (BeH “b’Shabbos”)