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Siman 149 – Putting away the sefer Torah

  1. If in your shul, they have said Uva L’tzion before putting away the Torah – the tzibbur still may not leave until the sefer Torah is put away. (ShA1 – MB1)
  2. Individuals may leave before the sefer Torah is put away so long as most of the tzibbur remains in shul. (Rama1 – MB2)
  3. If the sefer Torah has been taken to another building, no individual may leave before they put away the sefer Torah. (MB2)
  4. When they return the sefer Torah to the aron and it passes by you, you have a mitzvah to escort the sefer Torah until in front of the aron. Similarly, when they take out the sefer Torah and it passes by you, you have a mitzvah to escort it to the bima. (Rama1 – MB7)
  5. The magbiah and the golel should escort the sefer Torah and stand in front of the aron until it has been returned to its place. (Rama1 – MB5)
  6. Bring the children to kiss the sefer Torah – it trains and excites them to do mitzvos. (Rama1)
  7. On the way to putting away the sefer Torah on Shabbos everyone says “Mizmor l’Dovid hovu laShem…”. During the week say “L’Dovid mizmor, laShem ha’aretz…” (MB8)