Wake up in the morning, resisting the desire to stay warm and sleep longer. The intention to rise for another day of serving Hashem is the purpose of your creation.(ShA 1- MB 1)
When you learn Torah when it’s getting light and when it’s getting dark you fulfil what the Shla says – to connect day and night with Torah morning and evening. (MB2)
Upon waking from the night’s sleep and you don’t want to sleep anymore, it’s best to wash neggel vasser while still reclining – second best to wash before walking 4 amos. At least to rely on those who hold that under one house is all the same 4 amos. Relieving yourself urgently takes precedence to neggel vasser. (MB2)
If water is not available under one roof and there is no one to bring you some, run to get it instead of walking less than four amos at a time.(MB 2)
To help your yiras shomayim you should imagine the 4-letter Name of Hashem with the nekkudos of yirah (יִ-הְוָה). (MB4)
Learn about the 6 constant mitzvos. (BeH “hu”)
When you wake up from your sleep, get going immediately to serve your creator but don’t hurt yourself by suddenly rising – Wait a bit. (Rama1 – MB8)
Say “Modeh ani…” right away. Pause when saying “rabbo emunasecha”. You don’t need netillas yodayim for this. (MB8)
You may learn Torah even if you do not have enough water to wash off the ruach ra’a. (MB2)
Tefillos about the churban and the golus are readily accepted at the end of each third of the night. (ShA2)
You should be upset and worried about the churban Bais Hamikdosh. There is a great maala to rise before chatzos and lament about it. From chatzos, begin learning Torah and ask Hashem for your needs at the end of the night.(ShA3 – MB9)
Do not get up before morning if you know you have a weak constitution or that you are liable to fall asleep during daavening. Sleep as much as you need to.(MB 9)
The Shela writes that at every meal remember the churban by saying (and thinking) Al Neharos Bovel – or Shir Hamaalos if it’s a day of no Tachanun. (MB11)
It is better to say less with kavana than to say more without kavana. It is better for a ben-Torah to learn Torah than to recite the many supplications printed in the siddurim. (ShA4 – MB12)
Set time for mussar every day. (MB12)
Whoever says Ashray 3 times a day is guaranteed that he is a ben Olam Haboh – if he contemplates what he is saying. (MB13)
A mourner should not recite the parshios of korbanos. (MB17)
The parshios of Kior and of Terumas Hadeshen can be recited while still night, but the actual kobanos must wait until day.(ShA 6 – MB 17)
It is best to recite the parshios of korbanos before daavening and in shul. Do not miss zman Krias Shema or even tefilla b’tzibor because of them.(BeH “u’parshas”)
Our minhag is to mention the possuk of “V’shochat osso…” after saying the Parshas Hatomid to arouse the merit of Akeidas Yitzchok. (MB19, 20)