It is preferred to set your time for learning right after Shacharis so you do not get carried away with your business and neglect to learn at a different fixed time. (MB 2)
If you learn only 3 or 4 hours a day make sure to learn piskay halacha. You will not be yotzay with learning only gemara. (MB 3)
There are many advantages to learning in a chabura rather than by yourself. (BeH “v’yikba”)
Kaddish D’rabbonon is recited after a learning session, even if 10 men did not learn together. If there is a minyan in shul anyone can recite it as long as someone learned Torah Sh’baal Peh or aggada. (BeH “v’yikba”)
A Jew must fill all of his free time with talmud Torah. If not, it is close to “d’var Hashem boza”. Besides for this, a Jew must have set times for learning that are not missed even if he will lose out a great profit. (ShA 1 – MB 4)
When a business opportunity comes by during your fixed time for Torah, think “I cannot lose by keeping my k’vius. If I am meant to get profit, Hashem will arrange it afterwards.” (MB 5)
If an oness occurs and you have to miss your set time, learn at least one possuk or one halacha before leaving the bais hamedrash in the morning. Furthermore, consider the missed time for learning as a debt to be repaid at night. (MB 4)
Someone who knows how to learn a little bit should fix himself a place in the bais medrash to learn whatever he knows. Then he should think about his affairs, do teshuva from any avairos he might have done and enter into his heart the fear of heaven. (Rama 1 – MB 10)
Even a person who does not know how to learn must go to the bais medrash for the following reasons:
reward for the walking
staying in a bais medrash is a mitzva
listening to a group of Torah learners grants you a place among them in the future. (Rama 1 – MB 6)
If you only have a bit of time to learn, make practical halachos a priority. If you do not understand them, learn whatever you can. Today anyone can learn Torah because of the translated sefarim. (MB 9)
Fix a time to learn between Mincha and Maariv as well so you fulfil the obligation of learning Torah at night. (BeH “ais lilmod”)
Read about how great the obligation is to learn Torah. (BeH “ais lilmod”)
It is healthful to eat a little breakfast before going to the bais hamedrash. (Bread with salt and a container of water.) (ShA 2 – MB 11 – BeH “yoochal”)
It is a mitzva to conduct yourself with a good measure so you will stay healthy and strong for the service of the Creator. (MB 11)