75. One Hagoffen will suffice for all the wine you will drink at a sitting. However, under the following conditions, a beracha Hatov V’hamaytiv will be recited on more wine even if you know about it at the time of the Hagoffen. You will:
- drink both wines with at least one other person (wife and children count).
- put the wine out for anyone who wants – so they become like your “partners” (excluding a case where the host is merely serving the guest).
- drink in the same room. (ShA 1,4 – MB 15)
- If the second wine is of equal quality it will require a beracha only if it was brought from a different building and the reason for bringing it is to taste a different wine. But if you finished the first wine already, it appears as if you are bringing the second wine just because you need more. (MB 3 – ShaH 6)
- If you aren’t sure that the second wine is of equal quality, you will still say Hatov V’hamaytiv. (ShA 2)
- If the second wine is newer, you can assume it is of inferior quality – don’t say a beracha. (MB 10)
- If the first wine was white (healthier) and the second wine is red, you can assume it is inferior quality (because it is not as healthy) – don’t say a beracha. (MB 13)
- If the second wine is of better quality, you say a Hatov V’hamaytiv even if both were on the table at the time that you said Hagoffen. But, you should have said the Hagoffen over the better quality wine. (ShA 3 – MB 5)
- It’s Seder Night and you didn’t like the taste of the first cup of wine, when you drink a preferred wine for the second cup, you will say two berachos on it: Hagoffen (our minhag – see later Siman 474) and Hatov V’hamaytiv. (ShaH 3)
- They brought many wines at once and you do not know the order of quality – remove all but one from the table, say Hagoffen on that one, bring another, and say Hatov V’hamaytiv on the second. Each subsequent one that you drink will require a separate Hatov V’hamaytiv. (The ikkar din is true even if they are all on the table the whole time.) (MB 14)
- If you forgot to say Hatov V’hamaytiv you can still say it if you drink more. (MB 15)